
The Snorekit Mouthpiece is a Mandibular Advancement

Device(MAD) which is proven to stop-snoring for almost

9 out of 10 users!

By advancing the lower jaw for a few millimetres it

helps to free the air intake passage and releases the

back of the tongue.


Product Review:

Snorekit is a simple, effective and proven low cost Stop-Snoring Mouthpiece. As a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) it works by advancing the lower jaw forward for a few millimetres to help free the air intake passage and release the tongue. During sleep, relaxation of the muscles in the throat and the backward movement of the tongue reduces the size of the air passage. The air passing over the region causes vibration which gives the sound to snoring. Apart from audible nuisance and disturbance to others, snoring can effect your health and develop into more severe obstruction of the air passage leading to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), insomnia or other sleeping disorders justifying medical consultation.
After extensive sleep studies in sleep centres all over the world it is now a proven fact that snoring can only be treated effectivly in three ways: surgically, by forced ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure devices (CPAP) or with a mandibular advancement device like Snorekit.

So why wait and spent another disturbed night? Order online and stop-snoring now with Snorekit!

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